Bauxide is a ninety-nine page fictionella, co-written by Dominique Chen and Tom Blake, and commissioned by A Published Event as part of the Lost Rocks Literary Project.
Lost Rocks (2017–21) is a speculative library of forty books, four books being published twice yearly over five years. The conceptual heart of this artwork is a discarded rock board, found by the artists at the Glenorchy tip shop in Hobart’s northern suburbs. Forty of its fifty-six Tasmanian rock specimens are missing. Over the next five years, 40 commissioned artists will each select an absence from the incomplete board and re-compose it, not with a geological specimen, but with a ‘fictionella’ – a new kind of novella drawn from lived experience.
The Lost Rocks editions (forty-three in total) have sold over 10,400 copies globally, and are currently held in the collections of The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University, US; Artphilein Foundation, Lichtenstein; University of St. Andrews, UK; Tufts University Library, US; and MONA Library, Australia.
Rhubarb by the river makes the aluminium of a pan available for the body. And turns the water orange.
You can purchase the book here.