Fluid Bodies, bodily fluids, wild juices in flux and flow. In this work-in-progress, cultural and feminist fermentations lie across each other, intersecting and intermingling, finding flow and remembering relations. (The movement needs to move). In this digesting space, the more-than-human generously speaks for the artists, to notions of labour, de-service, connection, containment/leakage, and nourishing systems of circulation. Fluid Bodies is an invitation to participate in messy, muddy and microbial exchange.
Join artists Libby Harward, Danni Zuvela & Dominique Chen for the opening night, Friday 20th of January 6-8pm.
Exhibition runs 21st of January - 4th of February.
For more information go to https://www.outerspacebrisbane.org/program/fluid-bodies.